26 May 2021

Webinar 3 – Curious about Food, Health and Wellbeing for employees and volunteers?

Is healthy food a theme in your workplace?

Or do you want to work on that? Are you wanting to know more about the barriers your employees, volunteers and your clients face to eating well and how to help them overcome these?

If so, then join our interactive and free webinar on 11th June between 1 – 3pm UK time.  

This webinar is for anyone working or volunteering in community kitchens, food banks or food distribution centres across the UK and Belgium – the language of the webinar will be English, the presentations will be in English with written Dutch translation. 

On the day you will hear from:  

We’ll also work in groups where you’ll get to discuss your ideas, and hear from others, based across the UK and Belgium

By the end of the session, you’ll walk away with techniques you can use to support employees and volunteers. 
