4 March 2021

Report webinar 1: Food Hygiene, safety and handling


The FLAVOUR project team at Marjon University, together with the project’s partners in Brighton (FareShare Sussex and Brighton and Hove Food Partnership) organised a free training webinar to organisations and individuals working in food (surplus) processing and distribution.

The participants had the opportunity to learn about the essentials of food safety and hygiene, the impact of Covid-19 on food hygiene and safety, developing their skills as a coach or mentor. 

Wayne Blything, currently the Food Safety Manager at Harrods, talked in detail about the four Food Safety Hazards, the three Pillars to Food Safety and the COVID Risk Assessment – responsibilities and considerations.

The FLAVOUR team designed an interactive tool – animation videos (see also below ) – which highlights in a creative and humorous way that the fight against bacteria starts with personal hygiene. The video then goes on to explain various rules that guarantee food safety for food processing. For example, it mentions specific rules about keeping food at certain temperatures, preventing cross-contamination, and maintaining a high standard of general cleanliness of worktops and equipment.

The visual animated ‘learning’ resource offers an easy and effective way to communicate important food safety and hygiene rules and regulations to those working in the food (surplus) sector. This animation video is a tool for organisations or individual coaches/mentors and can be used to easily explain the basic food safety and food hygiene rules.

The feedback from the participants who took part has been excellent, for example the participants valued having the opportunity to connect with other people in similar roles, developing their coaching/mentoring styles and gaining practical food hygiene and safety advice.

The project team is planning two more webinars focusing on food distribution and logistics, food waste, health and well-being. Each webinar will also address specific coaching and mentoring techniques and tactics to help coaches/mentors in their work with people far from the labour market.

Thank you to all the participants and speakers who attended the successful Zoom event. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon and extend a warm invitation to any new guests (attendants).

The Belgium project partners (Herw!n, VIVES Hogeschool and Vonst) delivered a comparable webinar to all the Dutch and Belgium partners, collaborators and other food (surplus) processing or distributing organisations. Read more here.

The webinars are part of the FLAVOUR project that aims to create socially innovative business models to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of services dealing with food surplus whilst creating jobs/pathways to employment. The webinars are to foster cross – border learning and engagement and create a platform for sharing knowledge and resources; with the aim of supporting mentors/coaches and organisations in their work with people far from the labour market in the food ‘surplus’ sector.


The Flavour team is working on several tools to use on the workfloor, aimed at coaches and mentors of people far from the labour market. The animation videos below are an example of these tools. At the end of the project all tools, good practices will be put together in a training guide.

On the left below: basic food safety/handling rules in the kitchen

On the right below: basic food safety/handling rules in distribution