


The Flavour Kitchen project creates dehydrated vegetables packs and distributes them to the local community as a meal-in-a-bag imitative. One of the main objectives is for the packs to liven up otherwise unvarying food parcels. The packs are easy to add to tinned goods such as tomatoes and beans, and creates another vibrant
meal altogether.

The project would not have been possible without our match funding from Big Lottery Ready Healthy Eat.
There are a variety of flavours and combinations that are easy to use and add an extra source of nutrition. Examples are a Puttanesca and Ratatouille pack which can be cooked up with a tin of tomatoes and served with pasta. Alternatives are an Asian style broth to eat with rice or noodles or a hearty root vegetable stew pack. This last one goes well with a tin of white beans or tinned tomatoes.
With the aim of extending shelf life, we are dehydrating surplus fruit and vegetables. The dehydrating process itself is simple. It makes the fruit and vegetables smaller, which allows for more space while still maintaining some nutrition.

The dehydration and assembly of the packs are being done at the Community Kitchen, with the help of volunteers during our regular ‘Chop and Chats’. These workshops combine food processing with wellbeing, sharing stories and laughing together.
The surplus has been sourced by project partner FareshareSussex. We hope to open up other supplier opportunities with nearing food outlets such as HISBEs and Infinity Foods, both organic and locally sourced food outlets.
The pandemic saw Calvin join the volunteer team. He has been a vital part of the project as he has been picking up the surplus produce from FareshareSussex’ warehouse. He also did processing work and has become a key member of the Chop and Chats – adding a lot of knowledge and funny trivia.

Calvin has been undergoing interviews for potential jobs as a driver, and we eagerly await a successful application.
It is fun, a friendly atmosphere and I have made friends with people. It’s given me new skills and made me be more adventurous with my meals, including healthy stuff.
